Peanut Allergic Kindergarten Student Left At Curb By School Bus Driver Finds Justice
Imagine this: Your six year old child is starting kindergarten, and it’s his first year in public school. Since he has food allergies and you’re an alert allergy parent, prior to the start of the school year, you meet with the school nurse, the transportation director, and you contacted the bus driver. You advised them […]

New Peanut Butter Cheerios: General Mills’ Allergen Safety Statements Create More Questions Than They Answer
Recently, General Mills introduced Peanut Butter Multi Grain Cheerios. While Banana Nut and Honey Nut Cheerios (which contain almonds) have been on the market for years, seeing peanut introduced into the product line caused those with allergies to make inquiries to General Mills about their manufacturing process and allergen controls. Unfortunately, the answers to our […]

Sunbutter – Peanut Free, Gluten Free, and Delicious
March 1, 2013 I love SunButter. It’s by far the best spread I’ve used. Of course my son is allergic to peanut and I can’t use peanut butter, but even if that weren’t the case, I would still prefer to use SunButter. I prefer the taste, and it also has some qualities I really appreciate: […]

ALLERGEN ALERT: Maple Leaf “Natural Selections” Contain Nitrites
I’ve been paying a premium price for Maple Leaf Natural Selections sliced ham, turkey, and chicken since they were introduced, in an effort to avoid nitrites. Maple Leaf Foods markets them as all natural. I was already skeptical about that claim, since the meat looks the same, tastes the same, and has a long shelf life […]