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  1. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    This is a very important article for all parents with allergic children to read and prepare for. My 4-year old tree nut allergic daughter went into anaphylaxis on the school bus last school year (with no known cause – we suspect a nut oil of some sort on the hand rail of the bus). The bus driver noticed something was wrong, he called the paraprofessional to administer to her immediately. She always carries two epi pens in her backpack wherever she goes. The bus personnel were trained on epi administration. It took both epi’s to get her out of the reaction. The bus company now has a car seat dedicated to my daughter only, they wash down the hand rails each and every time my daughter rides the bus.

    I just wanted to say how important it is to have an emergency plan in place and to have bus personnel trained. It saved my daughter’s life!


  2. Jennifer
    Jennifer at |

    GREAT post! My son is starting school at the end of the month and honestly, I hadn’t even though about the school bus being an issue. This was an eye opener for me. Thank you. I will definitely discuss busing with the school now.


  3. Erica
    Erica at |

    Elizebeth what a great article to post before school gets under way. Every student whether a food allergy or not should be able to ride the school bus knowing the person in charge will care for them in a emergency situation. Sounds to me that you have everything in place for your child. Good luck to your son and hope he has a wonderful school year.

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