How To Check If Easter Chocolate Is Both Peanut And Nut Free
With Easter coming up soon, displays of Easter chocolates are popping up everywhere. I was at the Masonville Mall Shoppers Drug Mart this past weekend, and a display of Easter bunnies caught my eye. I had a closer look, and I was excited to see that one brand of chocolate is completely peanut and nut […]

Praise For Ottawa Daycare Over Cheese Sandwich Suspension
Earlier this month the Centre de l’Enfant Aux 4 vents, an Ottawa daycare, came under fire for its strict policy about not allowing outside food to be brought into the Center. Like each of the two daycare centers my sons attended, the Center made all the meals and snacks on site. Parents sign a contract acknowledging that […]

Asthma Tragedy At School Reveals Flawed Board Policy, Ryan’s Law Proposed
I’ve been contemplating the issue of students self carrying asthma reliever puffers and the tragic death of Ryan Gibbons, age 12, from an asthma attack last year at a Thames Valley District School Board school in Straffordville, Ontario. Ryan’s mother, Sandra Gibbons, describes her son as comical, playful, compassionate, helpful, one who would always befriend […]

Peanut Butter Cover Up (This Gets Ugly)
In May of 2012, we learned that a student at Walt Disney Elementary School in a class of non-verbal special needs students had been exposed to peanuts, his allergen, because the teachers had the kids make peanut butter sandwiches as part of an alphabet lesson on the letter S, causing an allergic reaction. The entire special […]

Sample 504 Plan, Free To Click And Print
This sample 504 plan was graciously provided to me by a reader. His son is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, and these are the accommodations that were made for him to attend elementary school safely and inclusively. Please feel free to share this article with anyone you feel it may help and in your […]

School Bus Safety Precautions For Students With EpiPens
Jacob is entering grade 5 at a new school this year, and for the first time in his life, he’ll be riding the school bus to school. This is not a small matter for a child with food allergies, and I am in touch with several families who have experienced very serious difficulties with school […]

Filing An OCR Complaint: Exercise Your Rights Or Lose Them.
By Kim Middleton** The most stressful time of year for parents of food allergic children is upon us. If you are on Facebook, you are deluged by back to school articles offering useful advice on sending children with food allergies to school, negotiating a 504 plan, and tips about great allergy friendly products. The food […]
Shame On Them! Cover Up Revealed After Special Needs Student Has Allergic Reaction
On April 26, 2012 in a classroom at Walt Disney Elementary School at 5717 South 112th Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the entire special education staff consisting of two teachers and three paraprofessionals was fired. The school administrators would only say that it’s a personnel matter, and that only those in the special education classroom needed to […]