Medieval Feast At School Raises Allergy Concerns
Recently, our son came home with a notice that his grade 4 class is studying Medieval Times. As part of the unit, a Medieval feast was planned. The notice stated that the meal would be golden herb basted chicken, fresh bread and butter, glazed carrots, a shield shaped gingerbread cookie they’d decorate themselves, and grape […]

Peanut Allergic Kindergarten Student Left At Curb By School Bus Driver Finds Justice
Imagine this: Your six year old child is starting kindergarten, and it’s his first year in public school. Since he has food allergies and you’re an alert allergy parent, prior to the start of the school year, you meet with the school nurse, the transportation director, and you contacted the bus driver. You advised them […]

Allergic Injury And Death At School: What Will It Take To Protect Our Children?
As a lawyer with a passion for helping people with allergies stay safe, I follow news regarding death and catastrophic injuries from allergic reactions at school. Unfortunately, there are many situations to follow. I often wonder why I don’t find many legal decisions regarding allergic loss. There are some, but not many. To send a […]
Sample Allergy & Anaphylaxis Presentation To Teachers
I presented at my son’s high school today to advise them about caring for allergic students. My first recommendation was that the teachers immediately check over their class lists for students identified as allergic or asthmatic, because both conditions are potentially life threatening and require immediate action should symptoms be noticed. Teachers need to keep […]
1290 CJBK Interview – Allergies Part 3
I connect with people worldwide as a food allergy expert through my blog and the Onespot Allergy Facebook group. Because I’m also a Canadian lawyer, I’m often asked to comment on legal and policy issues affecting people with food allergies. Andy Oudman of 1290 CJBK radio asked for my opinion about WowButter not being allowed […]
1290 CJBK Radio Interview – Allergies Part 4
Recently, Andy Oudman of CJBK 1290 had me on his talk radio show to discuss allergies and gluten sensitivity. Doing the show was a complete pleasure, and I look forward to being on it again soon. I comment as a food allergy expert and as a lawyer with an interest in policy and legal issues. […]