The Need For Strict Avoidance of Your Allergen
Exposure to your allergen decreases your chances of outgrowing it according to Dr. Sami Bhana, past President of the American College of Asthma Allergy and Immunology (ACAAI) and professor of pediatrics and medicine and chief of the Allergy/Immunology Section at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport, Louisiana. Dr. Bhana stated in his 2010 lecture at the […]
The Best School Policy For Allergy And Anaphylaxis Management
As many of my readers know, I live in Ontario, Canada, which I believe is the heart of food allergy and anaphylaxis safety protocols for Canada and the rest of the world. This is due to the work of Sara Shannon, mother of Sabrina Shannon, a child who unfortunately died at age 13 from a […]
Allergic To Latex? Foods And Products To Avoid
Recently, I wanted to learn about latex allergy, so I turned to my incredible community of well informed people in my Facebook allergy group. This is what I learned from them, led by Krystal Ahern of the Latex Allergy Awareness Site. Latex is the milky fluid derived from rubber trees, which is used to make […]

Why Should My Child’s Classroom Be Peanut Free?
I’m the parent of a child severely allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. I’m certified to provide Anaphylaxis In School Settings training through Anaphylaxis Canada. My previous background is as a Canadian lawyer. Food Allergies – The Statistics 1 in 13 people or 8% of the population has food allergies. Of those people, about 25% […]
Dominos Pizza Allergy Alert
Domino’s Pizza is no longer nut-free. Approximately two weeks ago, they launched their new chocolate lava crunch cakes in Canada, which indicate presence of peanuts and tree nuts in the manufacturing facility. I spoke to the manager of the store near me. She gave me the number for the head office and advised that the […]
Onespot Allergy Founder, Elizabeth Goldenberg, on Rogers Daytime Television
I had the privilege of appearing on Rogers Daytime London, with hosts Darrin and Sabrina. As part of their health segment, we talked about the day to day issues arising from food allergies and anaphylaxis. I covered travel and school safety tips, along with how their viewers can connect with Onespot Allergy for immediate expert […]