Gluten Free And Hypo-Allergenic Nutritional Supplements
Recently, I was asked to recommend high calorie drinks for an adult who had extreme weight loss and digestion issues following colostomy surgery. I have the most incredible and knowledgeable Facebook community, so I asked them for advice, and the answers came flooding in. All of these products are gluten-free, and some are hypo-allergenic. Elecare […]

Gluten-Free Beer, Mixers, and Liquor
After I wrote this post titled “Allergic to Beer or Wine?”, my friend Laura Waldo provided me with this very helpful information about gluten in beer, mixers, and liquor. Laura is the author of the blog, “Living Gluten and Grain Free”, which you can visit by clicking here. Laura writes: “I am often asked by […]
Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity, From Diagnosis To Healing
Recently a conversation developed on my Facebook page between me and Laura Waldo, the author of the blog “Living Gluten and Grain Free”, on the subject of wheat allergy versus gluten intolerance. Laura provided a great deal of information, which I feel is very important to share. Here is our dialogue: What is the difference […]