EpiPen Recall – Should It Spread Worldwide?
There’s an EpiPen recall in Australia due to a defect that may make it difficult to activate in an emergency (failure to activate or increased force needed to activate). Two reports have been confirmed of the device failing to activate in a batch of about 80,000 devices. We all know that the risk of inadequate […]

Six Years in Prison For Restaurant Owner Due To Customer’s Allergic Reaction
Mohammed Zaman, age 53 owner of Indian Garden in North Yorkshire, England was sentenced to 6 years in prison for manslaughter by gross negligence as a result of his customer’s fatal allergic reaction to the food served. He was also found guilty of six food safety offences. Customer Paul Wilson, deceased at age 38, advised […]

Strange But True: Peanut Drop For Canada Day
The CBC reports on the show As It Happens that the city of Mayo, Yukon has a “super fun” annual peanut drop to celebrate Canada Day (which was yesterday). I listened to the interview which you can listen by clicking here, and the organizer explained that local children used to be given discounted helicopter rides […]

Praise For Ottawa Daycare Over Cheese Sandwich Suspension
Earlier this month the Centre de l’Enfant Aux 4 vents, an Ottawa daycare, came under fire for its strict policy about not allowing outside food to be brought into the Center. Like each of the two daycare centers my sons attended, the Center made all the meals and snacks on site. Parents sign a contract acknowledging that […]

Asthma Tragedy At School Reveals Flawed Board Policy, Ryan’s Law Proposed
I’ve been contemplating the issue of students self carrying asthma reliever puffers and the tragic death of Ryan Gibbons, age 12, from an asthma attack last year at a Thames Valley District School Board school in Straffordville, Ontario. Ryan’s mother, Sandra Gibbons, describes her son as comical, playful, compassionate, helpful, one who would always befriend […]

Judgments In Two States Total $875,000 For Misleading EpiPen Campaign
In May of 2012, I advised that a tv commercial launched by Mylan was misleading and dangerous. It was the Max’s Birthday Party campaign, which caused serious concern within the allergic community. The script read: Mom: So you’re excited for Max’s birthday party? It should be pretty awesome. Son: Yeah! Mom: Even with your […]
An Extremely Helpful Study On In-Flight Emergencies and Deaths
I saw this article years ago, and I finally found it again. It’s an excellent study about in-flight emergencies which could be extremely helpful if you’re involved in advocacy to protect the safety of allergic passengers on airplanes. I’m very interested in this topic as many of my readers know, I started a petition to […]

Trial Date Finally Set For Assault With Known Life-Threatening Allergen (Updated)
Finally a trial date has been set, over one year after Mr. Alex Montreuil was attacked at Jewish General Hospital by having his known life-threatening allergen thrown in his face causing a severe allergic reaction. Evelyn Samantha Donis will stand trial for using a weapon in assaulting a person contrary to section 267(a) of the […]
No Justice One Full Year After Assault With Life-Threatening Allergen
It has been ONE YEAR since Alex Montreuil was assaulted by having his allergen thrown at his face requiring emergency medical care. His attacker, Evelyn Samantha Donis, has NOT YET been to Court to face the assault charge filed by the Crown Prosecutor against her or the warrant for her arrest that resulted from missing […]