A Day At The Spa: Food Allergens, Fragrance, And Other Irritants
I feel very concerned about allergen control in spas and salons. Whenever I have a facial or manicure, I see rows of products lined up for use on my skin. I come home not knowing exactly what was used, and feeling that I need to be careful not to wipe any residue from my skin […]

Food Allergies And The Dirty Side Of The Hygiene Hypothesis
Everything makes me think about allergies, even my puppy’s furtive roll in dog poop today. My 13 year old son was walking her, and when she found a fresh pile of poop hidden under some fallen leaves, she dove into it before he could stop her. I came home to a very stinky dog, and […]

Allergic To Caffeine or Why I’ll Never Give My 12 Year Old Son Espresso (again)
Well, it’s official. Now that I blog, my family no longer has any reasonable expectation of privacy. Last week, I showed my husband’s face being shaved with a straight razor with before and after photos. He’d pledged to shave his beard if he raised $1,000 for breast cancer research, and of course, I found a […]

Fundraising, Shaving, and Allergies
This post may seem off topic, but it’s not. My husband, Joel, joined his friend Megan Walker’s team for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Run For The Cure, since she went through breast cancer treatment this year. As pledges began to flow in, Joel set a lofty goal of $1,000 and pledged to shave […]

Choosing An Emergency Injector For Food Allergy And Anaphylaxis EpiPen Twinject or Adrenaclick
Every since my son’s peanut and tree nut allergies were diagnosed six years ago, I have been an EpiPen user. He wears two EpiPens in this medication belt whenever he’s away from home, and his belt sits on a magnetic hook in a visible and easily accessible location when he takes it off at home (ours is kept […]