EpiPen Recall – Should It Spread Worldwide?
There’s an EpiPen recall in Australia due to a defect that may make it difficult to activate in an emergency (failure to activate or increased force needed to activate). Two reports have been confirmed of the device failing to activate in a batch of about 80,000 devices. We all know that the risk of inadequate […]

UPDATED New EpiPen Television Commercial: Focus On Ease Of Use
UPDATE 20 August 2014: I have bad news, very very bad news. You will see below that this commercial has been revised, and the revisions are terrible. It’s been changed to the exact messaging that costs people their lives year after year. What I originally wrote is this: I love this new EpiPen commercial from […]

How To Check If Easter Chocolate Is Both Peanut And Nut Free
With Easter coming up soon, displays of Easter chocolates are popping up everywhere. I was at the Masonville Mall Shoppers Drug Mart this past weekend, and a display of Easter bunnies caught my eye. I had a closer look, and I was excited to see that one brand of chocolate is completely peanut and nut […]

Praise For Ottawa Daycare Over Cheese Sandwich Suspension
Earlier this month the Centre de l’Enfant Aux 4 vents, an Ottawa daycare, came under fire for its strict policy about not allowing outside food to be brought into the Center. Like each of the two daycare centers my sons attended, the Center made all the meals and snacks on site. Parents sign a contract acknowledging that […]

Judgments In Two States Total $875,000 For Misleading EpiPen Campaign
In May of 2012, I advised that a tv commercial launched by Mylan was misleading and dangerous. It was the Max’s Birthday Party campaign, which caused serious concern within the allergic community. The script read: Mom: So you’re excited for Max’s birthday party? It should be pretty awesome. Son: Yeah! Mom: Even with your […]

Present Moment Awareness As A Way To Lay Down The Allergy Burden
By Doug Pinto Father and Co-Founder Don’t Go Nuts I wanted to write and share a father’s perspective to your wonderful community as a way of being supported in my personal search for meaning, in living with a severely allergic daughter. I thank you for the opportunity to be heard by so many who may understand […]

Raising A Confident Child With Food Allergies
I had the pleasure of listening to Laurie Harada, Executive Director of Anaphylaxis Canada, speak about raising a confident child with food allergies at the Pfizer EpiPen Blogger Summit in Toronto last month. Her comments about getting Dads more involved were very interesting to me, so I interviewed Laurie on the topic below. Elizabeth: At […]
Gluten Free And Hypo-Allergenic Nutritional Supplements
Recently, I was asked to recommend high calorie drinks for an adult who had extreme weight loss and digestion issues following colostomy surgery. I have the most incredible and knowledgeable Facebook community, so I asked them for advice, and the answers came flooding in. All of these products are gluten-free, and some are hypo-allergenic. Elecare […]