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  1. Homa
    Homa at |

    I have NEVER heard of something like this. I just can’t imagine why anyone would think, food allergic or not, that this could continue to be a good idea! Then again, I think about how adamant baseball is about retaining peanuts. Does it have anything to do with the actual game? No. But people cling to the idea that they should be eating them while watching and throwing the shells every which way. That is the aspect that bugs me in baseball and in your post, Elizabeth – most of us would say if people are going to eat peanuts they are welcome to do it, but to start being reckless and throwing them around is just random and needlessly could endanger or exclude someone else. I had a talk with a local rep for a baseball team and she was brainstorming with me a peanut free day at the park but then she said the vendors would not be happy to limit those sales and the idea fizzled out. I think if the excitement is for kids to grab what is dropped from the helicopter they could grab anything relatively light.

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